Bowen therapy is a non-invasive, holistic, very effective healing technique, with a very wide healing spectrum. It affects on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
Gentle, but incredibly effective Bowen move is only one, but it applies in a group of different movements, in therapies, which are individually adjusted to each individual, depending on their issues (rehabilitation after a disease, injury, frozen shoulder, back, neck, knees, sciatica, sport injuries, carpal tunnel syndrom, lung problems, asthma, alergies, stress, depression, anxiety, infertility, menstrual problems, hormonal imbalance, liver problems..)
Bowen therapy is a energetically-vibrational therapy, that helps restore balance in physical, as well as energetic system.
It can be of help in any age period.
KIDS: colics, cramps, alergies, improvements with kids that suffer from Down syndrom, autism..
ALL AGE PERIODS: raising your immune system, dealing with depression, faster regeneration after injuries, better gut health..
We recommend at least 2-3 sequential treatments, which are individual for each and every one.